
Miscellaneous items of interest to me

So I don't forget

Unity Linux install instructions UE5 direct download link for linux

RFC for "Address Allocation for Private Internets" RFC for "Special-Use Domain Names"


For kvm images add libvirt.qemu_use_session = false to your Vagrant file. See a discussion here. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Vagrant_2.2_with_QEMU_Session

  config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |libvirt|
      libvirt.storage_pool_name = "ssdvms"
      libvirt.qemu_use_session = false

setup user permissions https://computingforgeeks.com/use-virt-manager-as-non-root-user/

Windows is chatty. This is how I quite it down.

  • llmnr Protocol traffic
    • Local Computer Policy
      • Computer Configuration
        • Administrative Templates
          • Network
            • DNS Client Turn off Multicast Name Resolution


This is under windows services “SSDP Discovery” Go there and disable the service.

ws-discovery service udp

Disable Net.* services

igmp v2/v3 messages

Description of why they think its a good thing. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc957913.aspx

6646 port mcafee network agent

This agent sends out periodic scans to identify network devices, WHY?? I do not know, and dont like it.

To disable it untrust the network.

  • PC and Home Network Tools
    • My Home Network
      • Distrust network

Also disable the service, the untrusting the network did not work.

Net bios

Service - “TCP/IP NetBIOS helper” Disable it. Follow instructions at the following link. http://marjanrepic.wordpress.com/2011/07/05/disable-netbios-over-tcpip-in-windows-7-ent/ Under advanced settings of tcp/ip on the network adapter select the netbios tab and set it to disabled.

Git commands

Git push using SSH

git push --set-upstream git@gitlab.example.com:namespace/nonexistent-project.git master

Git push using HTTPS

git push --set-upstream https://gitlab.example.com/namespace/nonexistent-project.git master